Ainsi Font
Publié par Analyse à 4/19/2009 11:03:00 AM
dimanche, avril 19, 2009
Libellés : New Talents
Today's Weather Report
Publié par Analyse à 4/13/2009 05:50:00 PM
lundi, avril 13, 2009
Check out Louna's version here.
Libellés : Caught in the Act, New Talents, New Tricks
A Four-Front-Teeth Smile
Publié par Analyse à 4/11/2009 11:43:00 AM
samedi, avril 11, 2009
Libellés : Caught in the Act
Il Fait Déjà Noir, Maman.
Publié par Analyse à 4/06/2009 09:04:00 PM
lundi, avril 06, 2009
Translation: It's already dark, Mommy.
Louna's notion of darkness is always associated with a particular task like:
Eating Time
One night, the meal was already prepared and while waiting for Papa to arrive, she asked me:
Louna: Il est où Papa, Maman? (Where is Papa, Maman?)
Me: Il est encore au boulot. (He's still at work.)
Louna: Mais. Il fait déjà noir. Il faut manger! (But. It's already dark. We have to eat!)
Bed Time
I always try to prepare Louna "psychologically" when I ask a certain task. That cuts down negociation time considerably. So around 30 minutes before bed time, I already tell here that it's soon time to go upstairs and go to bed.
This evening, at 8:30pm, I told her the routine Il est bientôt l'heure de se coucher (It's soon time to go to bed). She immediately looked outside and told me: Mais. Il fait pas encore noir? (But. It's not yet dark?)...
So how will we force her to go to bed on summer time? When daylight stretches up to 10pm?
School, on the other hand has taught her a lot of things. She's got better command of words. She expresses herself no problem. She even has this method of talking to us like a teacher, honestly!Yesterday, after putting Kyla on her favorite swing (My, she loves it!), Louna pulled my hand and asked me to "play'. Seeing her Papa run on a regular basis made her think that running is a game.
So run I did.
*Catching my breath* Darn. This little girl will never stop. Strategy, strategy..
I told her: Louna, ça y est! Maman est fatiguée. (Louna, Maman is tired. Let's stop).
Louna, looking at her Dora watch while running: Pas encore Maman, encore 1 km! (Not yet Mom, another 1 km)
What? This little kid is tiring me. Strategy, strategy...
*Ding - lightbulb open* I ran after her and tried to touch her butt. She suddenly stopped and looked at me intently:
Mais arrête Maman. Je t'explique. Il faut pas toucher les fesses. Sinon, elles vont sentir mauvais, tes mains. (Stop Mom! Listen to me. You shouldn't touch my butt. If so, your hands will smell bad!). Ngek!Well, Louna has become a great help at home (well, when she's in the mood). She cleans the floor when Kyla regurgitates (yes, her vomitting could go that far!), she sets the table, she searches diapers, my pullover, Kyla's toys, etc.
This evening, she tried to help me peel potatoes. Look at it after Louna's intervention (right side). Errrr. Not that much left. But well, at least there were no more skin!
It's the gesture that counts dear. Lol.
Libellés : BabyTalk
Weight Gain Problem
Publié par Analyse à 4/05/2009 02:14:00 PM
dimanche, avril 05, 2009
It must be in our genes. My Mom told me that I never gained weight when I was the age of Kyla (until now actually). I still remember how me, my sisters and my Mom would exchange tips on how to gain weight. And the scenario's the same when my Mom meets her sisters.
Now, on to Kyla. The transition between breastmilk and formula has not been that fluid, me thinks. Kyla's weight should follow the same curve but visibly, it started to shift starting December to January - taking but a mere 200g/month for a normal 600g/month weight gain for her age. The major changes at that period are none other than - Kyla's switch to formula and me getting back to work. Poor lil girl.She already underwent some examinations like x-ray and allergy test but those tests revealed nothing. The prescribed medicines didn't improve anything either. Her pediatrician started to worry that he prescribed Kyla a two-page diet to be followed religiously in the next three months. On the menu are some spoons of meat and fish, a scoop of butter here and there, 2 servings of yoghurts for each meal, illimited doses of fresh fruits and vegetables, boudoirs, etc.
Now Kyla, if you don't exceed that 200g weight gain mark on your 7th month visit, can we just consider that we have the same genes and that you could eat whatever you want, regardless of sugar and fat quantity in it? And all your life, all your friends would ask your secret on how to keep a svelte figure and you would answer exactly the same as Maman? - That is, you eat a lot to maintain your weight. Deal?
Libellés : ParentTalk
Publié par Analyse à 4/04/2009 10:30:00 PM
samedi, avril 04, 2009
I always wondered where Louna got her toys' names. She calls her Barbie Jeanne. She calls her dog Max.
Last night, we were watching The Little Mermaid for the nth time, and there, I finally knew where she got Max.
Libellés : BabyTalk