Weight: 9.1 kg
Height: 75 cm
Number of Teeth: 3
Sitting position: Almost stable
Overall remark: Always on play mode, sleeps well, smiles to people, very agreable, loves to cuddle in the arms of maman
Doesn't like water
Had fever once but slept and ate normally ( I should count this as an asset)
Not bad milestone for a 7 months old, right? A recent discovery about this loving little girl has not been classified yet. Please help. Is this an Asset or Liability? Spot the difference!
7th Month Inventory
Publié par Analyse à 6/20/2006 10:18:00 PM
mardi, juin 20, 2006
Libellés : ParentTalk
Bonne Fête Papa!!!
Publié par Analyse à 6/18/2006 11:15:00 AM
dimanche, juin 18, 2006
Libellés : BabyTalk
Cry No More
Publié par Analyse à 6/08/2006 01:54:00 PM
jeudi, juin 08, 2006
Call it miracle, divine intervention or whatever, the catch is.. my baby stopped crying during bath time a week before her 7th month. She finally understood that it's useless to resist. I guess it's simply called growing up.
Libellés : ParentTalk
Louna at 6 Months
Publié par Analyse à 6/01/2006 06:12:00 PM
jeudi, juin 01, 2006
Louna never fails to amaze me on her developments. She has completely changed from the time we brought her out of the clinic to now. That tiny little kitten has been transformed to a gorgeous little princess. Her strongest point is her sleeping habit, she could sleep anywhere: in the car, in her room, in a tent, on her stroller...and even on a baby backpack! Could you imagine all the vacation possibilities we could do with her?
On beauty: She's becoming more and more tan (or is it because of sunburn?) and was glad to see her picture where I saw a little ressemblance to me. PS: We're both wearing a sunblock cream.
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Libellés : Milestones, ParentTalk