At the end of 36th week, petite Bourcier weighs 3.5 - 3.7 kg already with 138 bpm heart rate, that makes here around 4.5 kg at birth. I'll have another appointment in 2 weeks time to verify her evolution. If growth continues at the same rate, then, an early intervention might be declenched. If so, no problem, that would mean we could cuddle her in our arms earlier!
My 8th Month Visit
Publié par Analyse à 10/21/2005 10:57:00 AM
vendredi, octobre 21, 2005
Libellés : ParentTalk, Pregnancy
Stretch Marks
Publié par Analyse à 10/12/2005 05:08:00 PM
mercredi, octobre 12, 2005
Ok, I thought, after 35 wks of vergeture-free pregnancy, I could eventually get by without this maudit stretch marks. Heck NON! Just checked closely yesterday, and I mean closely, and was shocked to find out the screaming reality, yep, I'm no exception...inspite of the daily Mustela application from the 3rd month onwards.
Morality: If it is destined to crack up, it will.
Libellés : ParentTalk, Pregnancy
7th Month Visit
Publié par Analyse à 10/01/2005 09:46:00 AM
samedi, octobre 01, 2005
Now, who's lips is that? If you look closer, you could even distinguish her nose..well, bébé, we're impatient to cuddle you in our arms now, but take your time inside, ok?
Today marks the start of my long leave..congé pathologique then congé maternité..isn't life in France cool?
Some important updates:
At 33 weeks, bébé measures 2.5 kg, wow, that's quite a lot. Doc Gynéco thinks she'll be around 4 kg at birth so I'll have to do pelvic xray to check if I would be able to deliver her naturally.
Heartbeat is at 150 bpm. Maman is now 11.5 kg heavier, look at her now.
Libellés : ParentTalk, Pregnancy