Uh oh, growing me! See that lovely fingers saying Hi? Not only that, i could kick and put my hands around my face now.
Oppps sorry Maman and Papa, i was kinda tired the last time I had the ultrasound, I didnt even notice that you were there watching me! But you've seen my back right? Hmmm, nice ass huh (oppps, sorry again).
Ok, here's some good news. I'm ok inside and loving this cozy place. I'm sure you've heard my heartbeat and saw how i grew up since the last time...I,m now 7.5cm and still growing!
Mom gained weight again, oh, I mean us, we're now 49.1kg, oh wow, never did she weighed this much under normal circumstances, ehem, I'm aiding her to fulfill her dreams.
Ok buddies, that's all for now, I'll continue with my siesta, sayonara!