Finally! Louna ends her preschool year with good grades (Maternelle - Grande Section). Though she needs to be stimulated from time to time since she seems to be easily distracted, not paying attention and off to dream land most of the time, the big girls seems to do exercises correctly once explained clearly. I think she improved a lot when we told her to listen carefully to her teacher. Sometimes, simple instructions from parents could do the trick.Kyla on the other hand started to express herself more freely at school. At first, the teacher and her assistant were eager to hear the sound of her voice since she didn't utter a single word at school. I'm proud that she made it up to school end - she's not even 3 years old!
The girls were particularly proud during the school festivities, they've got special visitors ;)
Next chapter would be in the Philippines. Louna's already inviting everybody to go to Manila telling them that's it's so easy to go there: take a taxi, then the train, then the plane, another taxi and you're there. She also has her own plans now, she told her aunt that during short vacations, we will stay in the Philippines. And during long vacations, we will visit other countries. This girls, while playing, is actually listening to her parents' conversion, no doubt!
End of School Year 2010-2011
Publié par Analyse à 7/14/2011 12:05:00 PM
jeudi, juillet 14, 2011
Libellés : School Girls
The Preschoolers Love School!
Publié par Analyse à 1/29/2011 02:46:00 PM
samedi, janvier 29, 2011
Kyla who started preschool early this year is now well adapted to school routines. In the morning, upon arriving at school, she would remove her winter coat and hang it on its designated place. Then she runs (yes, not walk, run!) to the school room, takes her name and picture card and hangs it on the dashboard. All that without a goodbye kiss and without looking back at her mom.
Louna on the other hand is gathering a lot of "smiles" at school. She still is innocently inloved with Adam and is stealing him a kiss in every occasion. Louna was promoted to "grande section" in her English class so she now takes her lessons with kids from 6-8 years old. With this change, she's obliged to leave Adam behind but the proud girl is just too proud that she ignores Adam at school and the poor Adam just contents himself by looking at her at the corner of his eyes. Kids!
Libellés : School Girls
The Little Preschooler
Publié par Analyse à 1/13/2011 09:22:00 PM
jeudi, janvier 13, 2011
Early bird catches the worms. Kyla understood this saying early. At 2 years and 3 months old, she bravely starts preschool!
Libellés : School Girls
Call Center Louna
Publié par Analyse à 12/19/2010 09:24:00 PM
dimanche, décembre 19, 2010
Louna always loved talking on the phone. Here's a collage of videos of her at 20 months old and now at 5 years old.
Libellés : Caught in the Act
The Girls' 2010 Encounter with Santa
Publié par Analyse à 12/19/2010 06:12:00 PM
Libellés : PhotoEssay, Treasured Moments
Kyla's First Day at School (Adaptation Period)
Publié par Analyse à 12/19/2010 05:53:00 PM
Conclusion? Kyla's ready for school. Next rendez-vous will be on the class opening this January.
Libellés : School Girls
Kyla's First Approach to English Language
Publié par Analyse à 11/06/2010 06:44:00 PM
samedi, novembre 06, 2010
Libellés : Kyla's Mailbox, New Talents